Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 90,555,820 Issue: 165 | 5th day of Storing, Y6
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword lavamitten

Week - 165

Of Bluff Cake
by lavamitten
Description: I stabbed my fork and plucked a fragment off the cake. Beads of sweat formed on my brow and I elevated it to my mouth. I could feel Lava's anxious stare looming down on me. I poked the cake into my mouth and suddenly felt woozy.

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Weird Aisha Dreams!
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Winterizing Your Neopets: A Guide to Terror Mountain
I had been hoping for nice, open fields of snow, ready for me to frolic in. What I found were nice, open fields of snow filled with thousands of Bruces that would NOT let me have a turn on their toboggans.

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Fallout, The Wurymmar Story: Part Four
What if I just leave and never come back … No, I couldn't do that. Scar breathed a sigh. I guess I have to enter then.

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Meridellian Mayhem- Saving Jeran
Isn't the knight supposed to save the damsel in distress? Not the other way around?

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Equipment Troubles
A Fire Utility Belt? That's murder....

by yugiohjorge32

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