Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 90,555,820 Issue: 165 | 5th day of Storing, Y6
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword lestatsluver666

Week - 165

The Fact of the Matter
by lestatsluver666
Description: Ice meets the only thing colder...

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Vicious Kadoaties
Looks can be deceiving.

by lukeneedsatrim


@ Home
Oh no! My ear fell off!

by lil_bloo_roo


Illusen and Jhudora - Just Why Do They Need Those Items
Illusen and Jhudora need items for something. Many believe they need it for some colossal spell or potion. Yet others think that they are building up their own little colonies under their places of residence.

by keiran_halcyon89


Winterizing Your Neopets: A Guide to Terror Mountain
I had been hoping for nice, open fields of snow, ready for me to frolic in. What I found were nice, open fields of snow filled with thousands of Bruces that would NOT let me have a turn on their toboggans.

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A Treasure Lost
"Aylinn, there's something I need you to look at," Deki said. "I can't say more right now… but follow me to the house. It's urgent…"

by _shakky_

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