Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 90,555,864 Issue: 166 | 12th day of Storing, Y6
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword jaimmiedogder4

Week - 166

Messed Up
by jaimmiedogder4
Description: Where do they get all those items?

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An Orbital Tour Of Neopia: Don't Hold Your Breath
A normal reaction would be something like ‘WooHoo!’ But it got me thinking that if the Virtupets/Kreludor tour is generating so much money for Sloth, then maybe he was using it for sinister purposes..

by pk_fire14


Sleeping On It

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Pirate Addiction!
The accent everybody's talking 'bout!!

by dj_rulz_2004


Hide and Seek
Should never be played with invisible pets...

by xprecious


A Shadow and a Mist
"Wow, Shadow, you really outdid yourself this time. We'll make a fortune out of this!" GreyWeaver's constant response every time Shadow came back.

by wonderousfool

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