The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 110,063,438 Issue: 169 | 10th day of Celebrating, Y6
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We found the following 18 result(s) for the keyword blubblub317

Week - 158

Gossip Time with King Hagan!
by blubblub317
Description: We’re so excited to have you all here because we’re one of the few who have actually gotten the chance to interview the newest king in Neopia, King Hagan the Fat!

Week - 158

Ironies Of Neopia
by blubblub317
Description: "Lucky Star Encounter"

Week - 158

Of Lights from Within: Part Five
by blubblub317
Description: Maddi wanted to stay like that forever… eternally surrounded by her protective wing. With Nagria guarding him like that, he felt as though nothing could harm him, and like everything would be all right.

Week - 159

Of Lights from Within: Part Six
by chocolateisamust
Description: "Don't you have any memories of what happened before Nora adopted you?"

Week - 160

Of Lights from Within: Part Seven
by blubblub317
Description: "Come on, Maddi!" Kylan exclaimed, cutting the Kougra's chain of thoughts. "We don't have time to look at mirrors."

Week - 161

Of Lights from Within: Part Eight
by chocolateisamust
Description: The Kougra longed for the comforting hug that only Nora could provide - the kind of hug only between a pet and owner. Would he ever feel a hug like that again?

Week - 162

Of Lights from Within: Part Nine
by blubblub317
Description: "Must… get … to… the… castle…" he whispered to himself, his paws pounding furiously on the dead leaves that were scattered all around the ground.

Week - 163

Of Lights from Within: Part Ten
by chocolateisamust
Description: "You got the box, but where do think you're going, you little runt?!" a voice suddenly roared.

Week - 159

Just An Ordinary Day With A Psychopathic Broom
by blubblub317
Description: He didn't take notice into it at first, but when the shaking felt as if it were heading towards him, Midnight knew something was wrong.

Week - 161

Can You Count To Three?
by blubblub317
Description: "Thank you, thank you!" Ms. Insane exclaims snobbishly, not noticing that the students are unhappy that she's there. "Well, let's get the day started! Our first lesson is Math!"

Week - 162

Ironies of Neopia
by blubblub317
Description: Look at what I got!

Week - 162

Insane Dreams of a Wacky Chocolate Factory
by blubblub317
Description: With a smile full of glee on her face, Latiny quickly stuffed her journal in her backpack, and stared at her teacher who was now standing at the entrance of the Chocolate Factory.

Week - 163

110 Reasons Why We Love Adam
by blubblub317
Description: He’s funny, creative, mega-rich, punctual, and he comes in 3 fantastic flavors! So hold on to your hats while we explore the 100 Reasons Why We Love Adam!

Week - 163

Ironies of Neopia
by mindela_me
Description: Happy Birthday!

Also by blubblub317

Week - 164

100 Stinkin, Cheesy, Rejected Neopian Times Titles
by blubblub317
Description: Titles can make a big difference when writing an article or a series or a comic or a short story!

Week - 164

Ironies of Neopia
by blubblub317
Description: My costume is on!

Week - 165

Ironies of Neopia
by blubblub317
Description: Why do you get away with everything?

Week - 169

Mickey and Laden: Part One
by blubblub317
Description: Mickey and Laden were feeling quite hot and adventurous at the moment. They needed to cool down, yet have fun at the same time. So, the two decided to dip their feet in the refreshing water of the stream...

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