The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 110,063,438 Issue: 169 | 10th day of Celebrating, Y6
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword nannakatrine

Week - 165

The Aishatery
by nannakatrine
Description: I think I got an idea...

Week - 169

The Aishatery
by nannakatrine
Description: Mmmm, Turmaculus...

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A Minty Mess
NOW I know where all that toothpaste's been going to...

by diabug101


The Cybunny Caper
Celina was the one with the Babaa. Kalina and Ayisha ran into Celina's room. It was empty, except for one little Babaa standing in the middle of the room, pointing to a piece of paper on Celina's bed.

by kacheeklover3579


Reign of the Shadows: Part Seven
"I knew this was where the real battle had to be. And you chose to come after me, so I have no right to drag anyone else in."

by feriku


Jacko The Great
On November the 14th there was a great panic in the stock market, something big had happened and this resulted in millions to be lost and stock investors to be rattled like they never had before...

by nothing_000


The Tower Journey: Part Four
"Bagguss? Bagguss bombs?" Those strange, quivering fruit-bombs were what had saved him, but he knew that they could also easily do the complete opposite. Bagguss Bombs were on the list, sure, but he didn't fancy dropping back down into the mine field. "So how do I get them?"

by neonick19881988

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