Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 110,063,438 Issue: 169 | 10th day of Celebrating, Y6
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword ratzrule611

Week - 169

Someone's Been Naughty... Or Have They?
by ratzrule611
Description: That cost me 80,000 Neopoints!

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Slorg World
Dung... o_O

by matthew_button


Telltale the Darigan Dancer: Part Three
"Oh, she's quite fine, but what puzzles me is that she seems too empty!" the Acara said. "She doesn't even tell his Majesty her real name! If you ask me she's probably working for that Kass person!"

by cruzerchic123


Just Say the Word: Part Two
"It's 6:30 PM. It'll be a while before it's midnight. Maybe I should find something to do. It shouldn't be that hard. I'm on Mystery Island, after all."

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Something Has Happened

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Night Walker: Part One
At first I hated not being noticed but I then realized that I could turn such things to the advantage of a talent that surfaced with the new shape. An ability that has made me one of the most feared pets in all Neopia...

by ruin_star

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