White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 110,063,438 Issue: 169 | 10th day of Celebrating, Y6
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword scarletrhapsody

Week - 161

The Sweetest Acara: Part One
by scarletrhapsody
Description: Whitney, as if reminded of her ill fate with her employer, sighs deeply and sadly. The showers lighten up slightly, and she looks up to the sky wistfully, dreamily.

Week - 162

The Sweetest Acara: Part Two
by scarletrhapsody
Description: Whitney; do not bother waiting for me at the town square. Change of plan. I’ll not be meeting you today...

Week - 166

Pet Depression
by scarletrhapsody
Description: Pet depression is actually a profound psychological problem encountered by many pets. Here, the word “depression” is used liberally to describe unhappiness.

Week - 165

Gilbert the Poogle: Part One
by scarletrhapsody
Description: In Penny's hand was no sign of the Fire Gem that her had been so eagerly anticipating. Instead, it was an annoying sweet-looking Blue Poogle toy.

Week - 166

Gilbert the Poogle: Part Two
by scarletrhapsody
Description: It was almost a whole week since the change, and new Poogle soon came to realise that the transformation of colour species was more than just an alteration of skin-deep exterior appearance. With it went his pride and his self-esteem, his confidence and respect.

Week - 167

Gilbert the Poogle: Part Three
by scarletrhapsody
Description: "Don't be so sad, Gilbert," Ruby tried her best to console the wailing Poogle. "It isn't your fault for not being adept at games. Um, how about your owner? She would have enough Neopoints to spend."

Week - 168

Gilbert the Poogle: Part Four
by scarletrhapsody
Description: "I have an idea, Gilbert," she began slowly, cautiously. Taking a deep breath, she continued. "I've been thinking about it since yesterday night, after I saw how disillusioned you looked. You know how I'm a faerie?..."

Week - 169

Gilbert the Poogle: Part Five
by scarletrhapsody
Description: "What are you waiting for, Gilbert?" Ruby asked, puzzled with his tarrying. "Grab it quickly, or someone else might make an offer for it instead of you."

Week - 169

The Wonky Wocky
by scarletrhapsody
Description: Slicker for cleanliness...

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