Meow Circulation: 110,063,438 Issue: 169 | 10th day of Celebrating, Y6
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by jupeboxgal

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Hannah the Quick...
...but not as quick as her mom.

by ickessler


Red Boots, Green Pencil
When Jupe came home he was delighted to see his father had gone out to work. He dropped his bag in the entrance hall, took a few steps back and stared at the scene. His father was an absolute control-freak.

by shadyy15


Kanrik's Tale: Memories
That very night the sickness came. Their mother stayed up all night with Kanrica, who had developed a cough. Ayenti lay awake in the darkness and listened, his worry growing with each rasping breath his sister took.

by extreme_fj0rd


A Minty Mess
NOW I know where all that toothpaste's been going to...

by diabug101

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