A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 186,904,163 Issue: 171 | 31st day of Celebrating, Y6
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword bitsy_dj

Week - 171

Disco Fever
by bitsy_dj
Description: Ivy was a disco-painted Ixi that lived on the island. From the moment Neil saw her, he thought she was the prettiest Neopet in all Neopia. They had become good friends, but Neil always felt very shy around her.

Week - 170

Love, Mr. Scary
by bitsy_dj
Description: Little did Sally's parents know that Fluffy wasn't an imaginary friend. He was the creature Sally had found in their barn. The creature that had devoured the farmers' crops and produce. He was the creature Sally called "Mr. Scary."

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New Year's Eve Knock-Out
Lulu followed the placement of Trixy's eyes to see a blue Kougra who was carefully inspecting a tube of dark red lipstick. What was a guy doing in a glamour shop?

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Farewell Year 6: Chronicle of the Past 12 Months
The events that took place this year are now memories which will remain with everyone. These events made Year 6 unique, and the memories of these events will always be remembered...

by pichu_pikachu_raichu

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