There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 186,904,163 Issue: 171 | 31st day of Celebrating, Y6
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword shelleylow

Week - 160

The Neo-Rakarr: Part One
by shelleylow
Description: Kokyu knew something was wrong. He had sensed the flash of wrongness in Aihami's direction, and as he read her glance clearly he thought he could guess the cause of the trouble...

Week - 161

The Neo-Rakarr: Part Two
by shelleylow
Description: "Marko," he said quickly. "You said Manny once called a Bearog to aid in battling a Monocerous. Couldn't we ask him to call some sort of flying Petpet to track them and to carry me there?"

Week - 162

The Neo-Rakarr: Part Three
by shelleylow
Description: Aihami trudged on, sending more lifeforce energy to her bruised footpaws. Surely soon, in that castle, the mystery would be solved.

Week - 163

The Neo-Rakarr: Part Four
by shelleylow
Description: "Enough with your babble, Karei! Your Neo-Kidoka words are meaningless, and futile. The only way for the world to live on and prosper is for the strong to stamp out the weak and pass on their own legacy!"

Week - 164

The Neo-Rakarr: Part Five
by shelleylow
Description: "Manny," he called, loudly but calmly. "Tell Stonewings to glide on the wind, to let it carry him. Don't try to ask why, just do it!"

Week - 170

To Be A Master: Dreams - Part One
by shelleylow
Description: She gazed up at the sky, wondering if it was his gentle amber eyes she was looking into, high up among the twinkling lights. She had missed him so much, especially these previous days...

Week - 171

To Be A Master: Dreams - Part Two
by shelleylow
Description: She was flying again, soaring up above the clouds to where the moon reflected the brightness of the day. Once more she hung in the dark void of space among the curveting stars. But this time she wasn't alone...

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