Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 90,554,371 Issue: 172 | 7th day of Sleeping, Y7
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We found the following 10 result(s) for the keyword child_dragon

Week - 159

by child_dragon
Description: "What are you doing out here?" Natalie pressed, slipping into the darkness and scouting for the source of the noise. "It's too late to be out. Did you slip away from home? C'mon, we need to get you out of here."

Week - 167

Terran's Ring
by child_dragon
Description: He had found the ring in Mystery Island and it was one of the reasons he returned to Neopia Central. After all, a ring of this power should surely attract attention, especially in the land where it was known.

Week - 168

Retribution: Part One
by child_dragon
Description: One by one, right after the other, each member of the squad checked in. Ten in all, wingmates, depending on each other to stay alive in this mess of a war.

Week - 169

Retribution: Part Two
by child_dragon
Description: There was nothing they could do now, they had come too late. Sloth's fighters had wreaked a horrible vengeance upon innocent civilians and now the Gallions were about to take a revenge of their own.

Week - 170

Retribution: Part Three
by child_dragon
Description: "Nina, please, don't make this any more difficult than it already is."

Week - 171

Retribution: Part Four
by child_dragon
Description: "Nina. Terry. I'll save yelling at you two for tomorrow. Go get some sleep - you'll need it, we have another mission assigned already."

Week - 172

Retribution: Part Five
by child_dragon
Description: "We did this together," she said desperately. "Please, did I do something wrong? Are you mad at me?"

Week - 168

A Day as Dr. Sloth
by child_dragon
Description: Sure, you suppose I could have gotten a job elsewhere in the Virtupets Space Station. I mean, a smart girl like me with those computer skills? Surely there's a spot somewhere. Yeah, that's what I thought too.

Week - 170

Room for Two
by child_dragon
Description: Just a bit of Christmas cheer. Usually at three am around here.

Week - 172

Sir Chickenhead
by child_dragon
Description: Well, not only am I trapped in space with no sky and just metal all around me, but of all the job offers I could have picked, I chose one where I was working for Dr. Sloth. That makes life interesting...

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