Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 90,554,371 Issue: 172 | 7th day of Sleeping, Y7
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We found the following 14 result(s) for the keyword ikkin_with_attitude

Week - 159

Meridellian Mayhem- Grumpy Old King?
by ikkin_with_attitude
Description: Skarl sure has a strange sense of humor...

Week - 159

A Peace that Would Lst One Thousand Years?: Part One
by ikkin_with_attitude
Description: "That Skeith said that Darigan is going to attack us! That no-good, two-timing fool Darigan, trying to attack us again!"

Week - 160

A Peace that Would Last One Thousand Years?: Part Two
by ikkin_with_attitude
Description: "Wonderful situation, isn't it, hero?" Darigan asked sarcastically. "Carry out your duty to your country unto its destruction, or betray your country in hopes that it may be saved. If you trust me, I will need insurance of your loyalty," he said, conjuring a potion.

Week - 161

A Peace that Would Last One Thousand Years?: Part Three
by ikkin_with_attitude
Description: Lisha screamed. Was Darigan after her, as well, to make Meridell even more miserable? The Lupe, however, had other ideas.

Week - 162

A Peace that Would Last One Thousand Years?: Part Four
by ikkin_with_attitude
Description: "What?!" yelled Darigan. "How could he be alive?! I saw The Three dispose of him myself!"

Week - 163

A Peace that Would Last One Thousand Years?: Part Five
by ikkin_with_attitude
Description: "Do you remember what the price of failure was, Skarl?"

Week - 164

A Peace that Would Last One Thousand Years?: Part Six
by ikkin_with_attitude
Description: "Still seems strange, helping you," Kass said. "But I would join with Jhudora herself if it meant taking down The Three...not to say you're like Jhudora..." he added quickly.

Week - 165

A Peace that Would Last One Thousand Years?: Part Seven
by ikkin_with_attitude
Description: "Well done, Lupe; few could stand against the Defender. Your victory, however, is meaningless. Meridell is ours!"

Week - 166

A Peace that Would Last One Thousand Years?: Part Eight
by ikkin_with_attitude
Description: "It is impossible! No living creature has ever lived without Greed! Every creature wants something more, even you! You loved your riches, and wanted them back! You'd do anything for them!"

Week - 161

Meridellian Mayhem- Heroes Never Die
by ikkin_with_attitude
Description: Kass is a hero?

Week - 163

Meridellian Mayhem - Kass's Fate
by ikkin_with_attitude
Description: So, he declared war, tossed me off a castle two miles in the air, and nearly destroyed Meridell. What to do with him...

Week - 165

Meridellian Mayhem- Saving Jeran
by ikkin_with_attitude
Description: Isn't the knight supposed to save the damsel in distress? Not the other way around?

Week - 169

Meredellian Mayhem- A Brief History of Neopian Falls
by ikkin_with_attitude
Description: "SOMEONE'S obsessed with falling. And I'm not sure it's Kass..."

Week - 172

Meridellian Mayhem - Kass's New Job
by ikkin_with_attitude
Description: Kass finally finds a use for his obsession with falling!

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