Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 90,554,371 Issue: 172 | 7th day of Sleeping, Y7
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Unorthodox Teaching

by battlesunn

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Help Rebuild Maraqua
What is my inspiration of Maraqua? What made me drawn to the ocean? My great-grandmother, Aliyah! She had told my grandmother this story and it was passed down to my mother and then to myself...

by drops_of_caramel


Neopia Now!
Hello and welcome to Neopia Now! Here at NN we hope to provide you with all the latest news, gossip, and – most important of all – entertainment.

by tambourine_chimp


The Comic Of D00M
Watching the clouds...

by _dratini01_


Midwinter War: Part Two
The forest was a refreshing change from the desolate village and the endless plain. It kind of reminded him of how he had gotten here. What was this place?

by shadowcristal

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