Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 90,554,371 Issue: 172 | 7th day of Sleeping, Y7
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Tenshi & Zerhyr

by championferret

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Raider of the Sky: Part Four
"If the wind is at our back, we should be able to fly over the valleys and the mountains tomorrow. If not," Croshar paused, "we'll have to spend the night in the mountains again, but we can stand that."

by shimmer765


Life With Your Neopets
Sloth's ray gun works in a different way with Snorkles...

by x_melina_x


My Life With A Teenage Noobie
How was I supposed to know...

by rainbowface94


And the Meepits Outgrabe
That is like such a boring book!

by kittylin

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