Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 164,193,775 Issue: 173 | 14th day of Sleeping, Y7
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword dudetti

Week - 165

The Fire and Ice Twins
by dudetti
Description: Aquarius grinned. This was all too easy. And to think his twin brother could have gotten more experienced Neopets for his service!

Week - 171

The Dare to be Brave
by dudetti
Description: One morning, after Reuben entered the breakfast bar and sat down to eat along with the others, a fairly new worker, a Meridell war hero, challenged him.

Week - 173

The Ancient Prophecy
by dudetti
Description: They knew who it would be, but they also understood that they could not do much about it. However, it was also foretold that a protector must be assigned to this certain pet, and that certain protector would be his brother.

Week - 173

Snowball, Shmowball!
by dudetti
Description: Winter has just arrived, and it’s time for – you guessed it! SNOWBALL FIGHTS!!!

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