Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 164,193,775 Issue: 173 | 14th day of Sleeping, Y7
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword idiocon

Week - 173

Drama Queens and Social Kings
by idiocon
Description: When Oraideille met Pock...

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Who cares? I'm thirty!

by legilis


How to Suppress Unwanted Behavior in Your Neopet
Do you have an unruly Neopet? One who stands out among others as disobedient, rude, spoiled, or bossy?

by hotstepper37


Your Guidebook to Trading
When browsing around the forums, I realise that there are a lot of questions that people ask about the Trading Post. “What is K?” “Obo means some sort of instrument?” “Will you accept 50,000 neopoints for that Yellow Krawk Morphing Potion?” and many others…

by wsprite


T3h Praedius
Praedius meets the Pant Devil.

by arttimo


KNOW Your Owner!
I’ve found out not all owners treat their pets like they should. Oh, yeah, sure, there are some awesome ones – they buy their pets gifts, celebrate their birthdays, and treat them as virtual kings and queens! But then there are others who are just terrible to us!!

by resurrectedwarrior

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