Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 91,590,388 Issue: 174 | 21st day of Sleeping, Y7
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword schefflera

Week - 162

Unlikely Allies: Last a Thousand Years - Part One
by schefflera
Description: "I don't think he -- quite likes the king," Jeran suggested, stopping in the middle for a wince. Walking was torture right now. The things he did for his king. "And I think the king feels the same way."

Week - 163

Unlikely Allies: Last a Thousand Years - Part Two
by schefflera
Description: He found himself heading outdoors and staring up at the citadel once he'd left the courtyard. It looked less malignant now, and he couldn't tell if it had changed visibly or if the difference was all in his mind.

Week - 174

Around the Heart of the Mountain
by schefflera
Description: "There is one question still remaining," the Keeper continued gravely. "Who released the monster?" Silence. "Who loosed the Bringer of Night? If among the fallen, let the name be spoken. If among the living... step forward."

Week - 173

Jhudora: A Fake?
by schefflera
Description: I've tried a few of her errands myself, however, and failed a few, and neither I nor my Neopets seem to have suffered any serious consequences...

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