White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 91,084,854 Issue: 175 | 28th day of Sleeping, Y7
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We found the following 18 result(s) for the keyword battlesunn

Week - 164

Halloween With the Ixi of Doom
by battlesunn
Description: "Shelly! Please, you've got to take Zarrelian trick-or-treating instead of me!"

Week - 169

A Portrait of Philistines
by battlesunn
Description: "I told you, my owner's going to paint a family portrait of us to hang in the Neohome so that she can impress her friends when they come over and show them what a fantastic bunch of pets she has..."

Week - 169

Dental Plan #1
by battlesunn
Description: Doesn't he look familiar?

Week - 170

Shallow Neopia
by battlesunn
Description: Shelly's has her reasons for supporting the theives guild...

Week - 170

Unorthodox Teaching
by battlesunn
Description: Practical uses for math in the "real Neopia".

Week - 172

Mordegan: Poogle Rights Advocate - Part One
by battlesunn
Description: "Look CC! The race is starting," he exclaimed, grinning in anticipation. A trumpet blared, and the Poogles were off!

Week - 173

Mordegan: Poogle Rights Advocate - Part Two
by battlesunn
Description: "Yes, yes. That's it, just tell him that you've been running the Poogle races for as long as you can remember and that you love it."

Week - 174

Mordegan: Poogle Rights Advocate - Part Three
by battlesunn
Description: Four yawned and gazed sleepily at Five. "Probably just because we aren't articulate enough or something. It's probably better to have a hired rep," he answered.

Week - 175

Mordegan: Poogle Rights Advocate - Part Four
by battlesunn
Description: The Lupe gulped, glancing nervously at Number Four, who had seated himself in the front row. The Poogle smiled encouragingly at the Lupe, and Mordegan felt a small pang of guilt. He would have to improvise.

Week - 170

The 18 Karat Gelert: Part One
by battlesunn
Description: Ever since he was a little Gelert puppy, people had cooed and squealed over him. Roger just had that quality-- that lovely, approachable quality that people love...

Week - 171

The 18 Karat Gelert: Part Two
by battlesunn
Description: "We're going to Tyrannia. First we have to go to the Eyrie Taxi booth so that we can get there," he hissed through clenched teeth. Raj pounced at a flower.

Week - 170

Here Comes Scorchy Claws
by battlesunn
Description: "These little Scorchy Claws gimmicks always need some sap to sit in the chair and wear the outfit... I could do that!"

Week - 172

The Ixi of Doom Hits the Ground Running
by battlesunn
Description: "Well? What are you waiting for? Get to the track!" he shouted. The pets in group one grumbled a bit as they trotted over to the starting line. Zarrelian gulped, nervously eyeing the other students in his heat.

Week - 172

Unorthodox Teaching
by battlesunn
Description: Mr. Bronston finds a good outlet for his supressed rage.

Week - 171

South Canyon
by battlesunn
Description: "Remember that Kougra that used to live a few houses down from you? That funny green one? He decided to go into the canyon to collect some flowers and... And he never returned!"

Week - 173

The Allegory of the Oatmeal
by battlesunn
Description: "Um, well, I was wondering if maybe you could buy me a pirate paint brush, since I've been such a good Krawk lately," he wheedled, a hopeful glimmer in his large yellow eyes. Sunny raised an eyebrow.

Week - 175

The Clandestine Daughter
by battlesunn
Description: "I've put plenty of food and fresh water in there, enough to last you months at least. As soon as I conquer Meridell I'll come and get you, alright?" Iska remained outside, arms crossed in front of her chest.

Week - 174

Zarrelian and the Crokabeks of Doom
by battlesunn
Description: "Ow! You'll be sorry, Webbleflub! Ouch! You too, Mordegan! Oooh, that one hurt!" Grumbling bitterly under his breath, Zarrelian stormed off, not really sure where he was heading and with no particular destination in mind.

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