Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 91,084,854 Issue: 175 | 28th day of Sleeping, Y7
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Week - 175

Oh Gosh.
by matrices
Description: Mmm. Hot dog.

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Judgment: Part Two
So much has happened I can hardly remember it all. I have been foolish, and I suppose I received my punishment for it, but that doesn't mean I can't regret it...

by orginalcliche


Night Walker: Part Seven
"My name's Shade," I grunted. "I'm a friend of your father's. I'm here to get all you pets out of here. Are there any more of you?"

by ruin_star


Something Inconceivable #1
I think this paintbrush is a dud.

by mournfulsoul


The Chronicles of Rohane: When Rohane Met Mipsy
You had me at "Direct Damage"

by ledsrevenge2


A Trio of Evil - The Leak
It was as if there was this tiny little rainstorm right above my chair.

by aminionofevil

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