Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 91,084,854 Issue: 175 | 28th day of Sleeping, Y7
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword meiastar

Week - 175

Opposable Thumbs
by meiastar
Description: It tastes like snot!

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Great stories!


The Saga of Two Pirates
Wendy pouted and turned away. Nevertheless, escape was useless due to the fact that they were bound tightly next to each other inside a boat that could barely fit a loaf of bread....

by cheopspyramid


Rock Pool Rascals
Pirate's Parley

Story by fallingflowers

by leptonychotes


The Curse...
Do Neopets really like being made out of snow? I don't think so.

by springsteen0991


Snowglobe: Part One
Ria sighed again and leaned against the wall. What could there be to do when it was snowing and there was nothing...nothing to do?

by cyborg8000


The Chaos Control
"Newb Logic"

by twilight_sketch

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