Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 91,084,854 Issue: 175 | 28th day of Sleeping, Y7
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Amy's Troup

by ambika456

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Happiness Faerie: Is She Really Happy?
In our hearts, Slothamanda (Happiness Faerie) Will love us all and will continue to unconditionally.

by rougegirl99


NT Fans, Attack!
I’m quite sure you’ve heard of the NT. If you haven’t, it is really surprising that you’re actually reading this. Well, just for you people who don’t know, NT stands for the Neopian Times...

by shadowcristal


Time is Neopoints
The title makes this seem like this is a guide to make Neopoints - but in truth, it is very different. So many people appear to be caught up in the Neopoint hype, when there are many more important things besides these shiny objects used to buy items.

by hermione32606


Mika and Carassa: The Igloo Garage Sale Proprietors
Mika and Carassa, the cute little igloo Chias. Perhaps the most famous Chias in the whole of Neopia. They even have a game modeled after their business. But are they deserving of this honor?

by culumbus_kat2

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