The Prophecy of Four: Part Two by jade_steel
"No," Tanelle whispered, gazing at herself in the mirror.
Reptilian snout, long tail, wings, purple and black scales. Leaning forward, the
Darigan Krawk touched the mirror with one claw, and recoiled from the touch of
bitter reality.
"No, this wasn't supposed to happen!" she cried
out. Shrieks from the living room told Tanelle that she had woken the other
faer- no. Tanelle stopped herself before her thoughts could continue. They were
all pets now, with little or no hope of going back. Still shaking her head as
if to deny the truth, the Krawk spread her bat-wings for balance and walked
unsteadily through to where the others lay.
At the sight of her, Draik, Ixi, and Gelert banded
together. "Who are you?" demanded the shadow Gelert, Kanal'te, in a trembling
Already beginning to regain her composure, Tanelle
sighed and folded her wings tight against her back. "I'm Tanelle. You don't
know my voice?"
"You do sound familiar . . ." replied Kanal'te,
voice still shaking.
Tanelle almost lost patience. "That's because
I'm Tanelle, silly! Oh, and have any of you glanced in a mirror recently?" she
added with a wicked twinkle of humor in her eyes. She knew what would happen.
Sure enough, the Ixi, Talusai, rushed off to
the bathroom, followed closely by Draik and Gelert. Tanelle watched, then followed
at a leisurely pace.
The Krawk entered, observing her friends gazing
at themselves in the mirror, much as she had done. "Well?" she demanded, after
watching them for several minutes.
"Well..." Talusai looked up from her study of
her new self. "I know who you all are, but who are each of you?"
The others apparently got the gist of her question.
"I am Kanal'te." The Shadow Gelert offered her reply first.
"I'm Sanalre!" cried the Maraquan Draik, resuming
"That leaves me." Tanelle sighed as all eyes
turned to her. "As you may know, I'm Tanelle, and the Faerie Ixi over there
is Talusai. Can we go yet?" she asked, rolling dark eyes impatiently.
"Where?" asked Kanal'te with some degree of confusion.
"Why, to the Faerie Queen, of course!" exclaimed
Talusai, catching Tanelle's idea. "Maybe she can turn us back?"
"Indeed. She would be the one to do so, if it
were at all possible," Kal remarked.
"What are we waiting for?" squealed Sanalre.
"Let's go!"
Grumbling at the Draik's inexplicable activity,
the other three left in pursuit of their friend.
The Faerie City was soon within sight, as was
Fyora's palace. Kanal'te, Talusai, and Tanelle had caught up with Sanalre fast,
and now they were approaching the Draiks who guarded the gate.
"Oooh!" Sanalre whispered in Talusai's ear. "The
one on the left's quite cute, don't you think?"
As Talusai shrugged off her friend's recommendation,
Sanalre stretched leisurely, making sure the guard caught a full view of her
beautiful Maraquan coloring. He was uninterested.
"Hmmmph!" Sanalre snorted, and joined Tanelle
and Kanal'te as they talked to the other Draik.
"Sir, this is really quite important," Kal explained
to the guard. "You see, we-"
"Yeah, yeah, heard it before," the guard yawned.
"Now beat it! You know very well we can't let you into the palace without an
Tanelle spread her wings, and moved forward,
pushing the Gelert out of the way. "I don't think, you understand, sir, " she
"I understand perfectly well." The guard blinked
at the threatening Krawk. "You're trying to get in here without an owner. I'm
sorry, but I can't allow that."
"Fine," Tanelle snapped. "We'll find someone
else to help us."
The guard nodded in approval of her decision.
Snorting in disgust, Tanelle herded Kal back to the group. "All right, guys.
It's obvious we won't get any help here, so let's head down to Neopia Central.
Perhaps Kauvara will be able to help?"
The others agreed hastily, and together they
made their way to the Uni Shuttle Service. (USS).
"How may I help you?" The Pink Uni behind the
booking desk blinked at the regal Darigan Krawk standing in front of her.
"I need four Unis to Neopia Central," Tanelle
"All right then. No charge, since it's only to
Neopia Central, and there are four of you. Right this way, please."
The Uni showed the four pets to a small herd
of Blue Unis. "Skyborne, FyreSkye, Cloudflier, Azurewyng!" she called. In response,
four Unis poked their heads up and trotted over. "Can you take these pets to
Neopia Central?"
The leader of the four, Azurewyng, spoke up.
"Sure. Hop on, guys!"
When Tanelle and her friends were settled, Azurewyng
turned his head to the Ixi perched on his back. "All set?" he inquired. When
Talusai nodded, and Skybourne, Cloudflier, and FyreSkye had received similar
confirmations, Azurewyng raised his voice once more. "Come on, guys! Let's go!"
The Blue Unis dived off the clouds. The flight
was short but exhilarating, and shortly Tanelle, Talusai, Kanal'te, and Sanalre
were standing by the Rainbow Pool.
"See you around!" Azurewyng called as he and
his herd soared off, back to Faerieland.
Tanelle nodded shortly, then turned. "Any of
you know where the Magic Shop is?" she asked.
Kanal'te responded. "No, but I know it's in this
area. It's not toward the Bazaar or the Marketplace."
"All right then," said Tanelle, taking charge.
"Let's head for that starry building, to the left."
The others agreed, and they were walking when
a screech of tires grabbed their attention. There was a truck from the Neopian
Pound, and a Red Mynci was leaning out the window. "Hey, Frank!" he called to
his companion. "Looks like we got ourselves a couple of strays!"
A grunt came from the other side of the truck.
As the faeries-turned-pets observed the Mynci, they failed to see the net coming
at them from the top of the truck. Irritated, Tanelle looked up from within
the weighted net to see the grinning head of a Purple Kacheek pop over the top
before the Mynci hefted the bundle of pets into the back of the truck. Tanelle
could hear them talking in the front. "We should take them to Dr_Death right
away," the Mynci was saying. "Painted pets always get adopted fast."
"Yeah," his partner agreed. "Unless, of course,
the Pound turns them blue." Both snickered briefly, then returned their attention
to finding the Pound.
"The Pound?" Tanelle murmured to her companions.
"What's that?"
Surprisingly, it was Sanalre who answered. "It's
where pets that have no owners are kept. They wait there for someone to adopt
"Adopt them?!" Talusai's voice rose indignantly.
Observing the cautioning glances of her friends, she lowered her tone. "But
we're not pets!"
"Remember, to all appearances, we are," said
Kanal'te wisely. "Our only hope for survival and eventual fixing is to get adopted
and run away later, once we've figured out a way to solve our problem."
Tanelle, Sanalre, and finally Talusai admitted
the truth to her statement, and agreed to go along with the plan. When the Kacheek
and Mynci came to lead them out, they followed meekly, and stood in a row before
the scary-looking Techo, Dr_Death. "What are your names?" he asked in as kind
a voice as he could muster.
Tanelle replied for each of them. "I'm Tanelle,
sir, and this is Kanal'te," pointing to the Gelert beside her. As he finished
writing those names down in his ledger, she continued. "The Ixi is Talusai and
the Draik is Sanalre. Oh, and Kanal'te prefers to be called Kal," she added.
"Right." Dr_Death closed the book with a snap.
"Come this way, please."
He lead them into a room with cages of all sizes.
Some held dirty, dispirited looking pets, while some others held clean pets
with regal bearings. Some cages were empty. The Techo led the four friends over
to two medium-sized cages side by side. "Kal, you and Tanelle can share 173,"
he said. "Talusai, you will share 174 with Sanalre." The friends nodded in mute
agreement, and walked into the assigned cages. "The morning rush of adopters
is coming soon," continued Dr_Death. "Expect to be fought over. You are, after
all, painted pets." Then he left.
Talusai and Sanalre glanced at each other, as
did Tanelle and Kanal'te. Then they looked through the mesh separating the cages.
"Right." The Krawk broke the silence. "We'll need to keep in contact. Here."
She handed each member of the group a quarter of a silver pendant, ignoring
the curious stares of the other pets. "We can keep in touch with these, and
they will grow burning hot whenever one of us is in trouble. I used the last
of my magic to create them." As the friends slipped the pendants over their
head, a young boy entered. He had in tow a Yellow Lupe.
"Huttser?" he asked. "Here we are. Which one
do you want for your sister?"
The Lupe, whose name appeared to be Huttser,
glanced around. His gaze locked on Tanelle. She flashed a weak smile at Kanal'te,
then moved forward, acting the part of the arrogant fighter.
"I like her," the Lupe responded, jerking his
head at Tanelle.
The boy moved towards the cage that held the
Darigan Krawk. "What's your name?" he asked.
"I'm Tanelle," she responded, and her eyes were
not on him but on the Lupe beside him. Yes, I think we could get along, she
"My name's Robert. Would you mind if we adopted
"No," Tanelle replied. "Only - could you take
one of my sisters, too?" The sweep of her tail took in Kal, Talusai, and Sanalre.
"I'm sorry," said Robert. "I can't. I can only
afford to adopt one pet, and I'm only doing this for Huttser. He's always wanted
a sister."
"Well, all right," said Tanelle hesitantly. Robert
swung the door open, and let the Krawk walk out. Closing the door once more,
he, Huttser, and Tanelle headed for the Adopt desk. Talusai watched the boy
through the clear door. He placed some Neopoints on the counter, then walked
out the door with the Lupe and the Krawk.
As the day wore on, they were all adopted. Talusai
was adopted by a girl named Karen who already had a Faerie Kougra and a Faerie
Kacheek. Sanalre and Kal stayed together, adopted by a girl named Fara. So they
lived, happily, for a month or more. But then . . .
About a month after she had been adopted, Tanelle
was play-fighting with Huttser. They were both Battledome pets, and so wanted
to keep in fighting shape. As Tanelle ducked a swipe from Huttser's massive
paw, she came up and whacked him solidly with her tail. It sparked black for
a moment, and then went quiescent. Grasping her tail in her paw, Tanelle looked
at it oddly. "That's interesting," she murmured, then glanced up to see what
Huttser was doing. To her surprise, the Lupe teetered on the edge of his paws,
but did not fall.
Puzzled, Tanelle looked around. There was a Jubjub
caught in mid-roll, a Buzz frozen about to carry its Kacheek sister off to the
roof. In fact, it seemed all around as if time had simply frozen still . . .
To be continued...