Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 91,084,854 Issue: 175 | 28th day of Sleeping, Y7
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The Pet Patrol Revolution - Monotony

by neo_tomi

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How Not To Get Tangled In Your Own Webs
Well, I guess you were expecting a guide of some sort, so I'll guess I'll jump right to it. I'll also have Webber, my Snow Spyder to help me with this...

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Time is Neopoints
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Life with Sparkalar
I'm just gonna LOVE living here... T_T;

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Pteri Ptactics
Deep in the heart of Tyrannia, thousands of Pteris make their fight up the canyon with evil Pterodactyls and Grarrls doing everything in their power to stop them. What is a poor green Pteri to do? Shoot them down of course.

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