teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 164,193,660 Issue: 179 | 25th day of Awakening, Y7
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword blackbutterfky333

Week - 173

Beauty Contest FAQ
by blackbutterfky333
Description: I often get asked questions about the Beauty Contest, which is more complicated than it may appear...

Week - 179

Beauty Contest A-Z
by blackbutterfky333
Description: For such a simple competition it’s amazing how packed the Beauty Contest is with tricks, strategies, factions and long complicated words.

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The Tale of Tadric's Time: Part Two
"But . . . why would they close the gate? I'm a knight! They should be happy I'm coming to the castle!"

by sharakh


An Echo on the Wind
The specter relaxed his will, sighing. These people, they were so ignorant... So many had tried to figure him out. So many had tried and failed. He wondered why he was so intriguing. He was really just like everyone else...

by eternally_forgotten


A Proverbial Nightmare: Counting

by funandgames999


Ironies of Neopia
Isn't this fun?

by blubblub317


Savak: The Search - Part Four
Savak sat down next to her, looking out along the jungle. Though he couldn't see the sun, he could tell that night was drawing close.

by zephandolf

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