Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 110,063,363 Issue: 180 | 4th day of Running, Y7
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword moonxtal

Week - 158

Major Malfunction
by moonxtal
Description: Little help, please?

Week - 161

Rock Comic
by moonxtal
Description: Good boy!

Week - 163

Major Malfunction #12
by moonxtal
Description: Aren't you cute?

Week - 168

Major Malfunction #14
by moonxtal
Description: Muwahahaha!

Week - 171

Major Malfunction #15
by moonxtal
Description: Arwoo?

Week - 175

Major Malfunction #16
by moonxtal
Description: Woo! Woo!

Week - 180

Major Malfunction #17
by moonxtal
Description: Oh, the agony of life!

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Extreme Devaluation of the Neopoint
If I told you I was going to give you something worth one million Neopoints right now, what would you pick: pure Neopoints, an item worth one million, or one million in various stocks?

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Complete Randomness
That'll teach me to leave markers lying around...

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Grundo Stix
"Sloth's Laundry"

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Castle Battle Craziness
Good as new!

Written by tdyans

by cosmicfire918


Gadgadsbogen Get Away?
So where do you go to get away from the party? The very opposite end of the world of course.

by jjbeard926

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