White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 110,063,363 Issue: 180 | 4th day of Running, Y7
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword orginalcliche

Week - 170

I Hate Christmas
by orginalcliche
Description: I hated the Christmas rush, it never seemed to end. I could probably get by without getting my 'family' anything, that plushie they got me last year wasn't that great and the Shop Wizard price was only about a hundred NP.

Week - 172

Seven Dreadful Days
by orginalcliche
Description: Each day is more dreadful than the other, except for one of them; the challenge is for you to figure out which one...

Week - 174

Judgment: Part One
by orginalcliche
Description: Memory filled the room, if the room had not been so empty, the memories would have been lost in the clamor of everyday life, but because there was so little, even the most transparent of thoughts filled it with vivid pictures...

Week - 175

Judgment: Part Two
by orginalcliche
Description: So much has happened I can hardly remember it all. I have been foolish, and I suppose I received my punishment for it, but that doesn't mean I can't regret it...

Week - 176

Judgment: Part Three
by orginalcliche
Description: The quill fell to the desk with a clatter and the light sound of something thwacking the rug could be heard. The sound moved towards one of the larger windows, taking in the sight of the new day, taking it all in, the smells the sounds, all the things that were now forbidden to it.

Week - 180

by orginalcliche
Description: "Well, think of all those poor pets in the pound-- not the ones with pretty coats or high stats. Think of those rows upon rows of cages, gray and monotonous. It's awful just thinking about it, but what if you had to live there, every day!"

Week - 177

A Valentines Day I Will Never Forget
by orginalcliche
Description: "I didn't know that you and the Techo Master were good friends. I always thought that you..." Kate began smugly, however a well placed glare from my left eye quickly silenced her.

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