Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 110,063,363 Issue: 180 | 4th day of Running, Y7
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword potatorewkiki

Week - 159

Smaller Shadows
by potatorewkiki
Description: It stared with fear at Blue, and she wondered about the Quiggles. They made smaller shadows than she did. Much smaller shadows. But that isn't supposed to matter… right?

Week - 180

Without Lights
by potatorewkiki
Description: "Kottske… Do you remember last year? Last Christmas?" I hoped for him to finally look at me, but he just closed his eyes and nodded again. He had just experienced a shift of emotions, as I could see a sorrowful look appearing on his face.

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Escape from Kreludor: Part One
"Sadie...I know how you feel. But this is my final chance to prove to myself that Sloth hasn't won yet. Please forgive me. I have to got, but send my regards to Jenny when you're on Recruiting Duty!"

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Hidden Treasures: Meri Acres Farm
It’s GDP may be a mere 250,000 NP, and it’s way of life may seem dreary compared to the fast-paced lives of the Neopian businessperson, but that’s no reason to overlook this peaceful parcel of countryside.

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Neopia: Enter the Ninjas!
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Zor: The First Case - Part Two
She grabbed Goldferbs file and walked out of her office, down the stairs, and out the front door with a determined look on her face. She would squeeze out every bit of information she possibly could from the doctor.

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