For an easier life Circulation: 110,015,858 Issue: 181 | 10th day of Running, Y7
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Week - 181

Erratic Abnormalitys
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The Chronicles of Knight: The Knight Within - Part Four
He had learned how to use his sword of a horn, and when to use it. Learning all this before he even became a squire, Tamal was an intimidating knight.

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"Chill out, Lu!" Rover, the red one, called down from his bunk above. "This place isn't so bad - we've got good food, warm comfy beds, and plenty of soap!"

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That Usuki doesn't even have shoes!!!

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Double Agent - Part Three
"I am not called Zephyrne!" Double Agent sternly responded, turning a skeleton key in the heavy lock. "Why must you keep calling me that? It is not my name."

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