Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 110,015,858 Issue: 181 | 10th day of Running, Y7
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword joey200010

Week - 181

A Rowze By Any Other Nameā€¦
by joey200010
Description: "If Grundioy meant 'introverted soul,' or, or 'quiet artist' or something it would be fine. But all it means is 'Yoidnurg' in my native tongue, and that doesn't mean anything at all!"

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Sloth on the Rox
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The Letter to Anne
I have had lots of thinking time for the past few days. I mostly think about what I said above and you. Anne, even though it is indirectly, you have been the force that compelled me to survive through the terror and fear.

by hottamale0774

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