Meow Circulation: 110,015,858 Issue: 181 | 10th day of Running, Y7
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We found the following 10 result(s) for the keyword sirussblack

Week - 164

100 Stinkin, Cheesy, Rejected Neopian Times Titles
by blubblub317
Description: Titles can make a big difference when writing an article or a series or a comic or a short story!

Week - 164

Worse Than You
by sirussblack
Description: Grrrr... to those random events.

Week - 169

Worse Than You #2
by sirussblack
Description: "Confusion"

Week - 169

A Kadoatery Tale
by sirussblack
Description: I don't like it here. It smells. It smells really bad. And, everyone is crying. Crying and crying and crying and they just won't stop...

Week - 172

Out on the Battlefield
by sirussblack
Description:  I actually never agreed to be on the thieves' side. I didn't want to help them. I wanted to help the Bori and Hannah. But, a family tradition was a family tradition and no one could change that...

Week - 174

Common Sense
by sirussblack
Description: Ooooh! A new shop!

Art by ickessler

Week - 176

The White Weewoo - Help or Harm?
by sirussblack
Description: You’ve heard it before. The endless chatter, the non-stopping praise of one thing and one thing only - the White Weewoo. Apparently, people think it stands for a sign of hope. Those people in question are wrong.

Week - 179

Zor: The First Case - Part One
by sirussblack
Description: "I heard no notice, mail, letter, or statement stating that I was allowed to come back. I know your manipulative games that you play. You always do the right thing, right? You have never done the right thing..."

Week - 180

Zor: The First Case - Part Two
by sirussblack
Description: She grabbed Goldferbs file and walked out of her office, down the stairs, and out the front door with a determined look on her face. She would squeeze out every bit of information she possibly could from the doctor.

Week - 181

Zor: The First Case - Part Three
by sirussblack
Description: After a lot of roaming around the deserted streets in the outskirts on Neopia Central she found the house. The windows were broken in and the front lawn seemed as if it was mauled through by a rabid Gelert.

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The (Un)Official Guide on How to be a Sidekick
Most heroes and villains set up residence there. They protect or attack anything that gets in their way. What we usually don’t realize is their faithful sidekick.

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The Neopia Security Agency
Marcus picks up the briefcase and makes his way down the dark alley. He doesn’t notice the figure following Marcus’ movements from his shadowy perch...

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Neoschool Survival #3: Classroom Games
You all asked for a third lesson, so you all got a third lesson! I just hope you know what you’ve all let yourselves in for, that’s all.

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The Keeper of Maraqua: Return
Melleia felt tears in her eyes. It had been so close: her heart's deepest desire - to see her late sister's face alive again - and it was just a dream...

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Neopia and... Noomoli!
And the winner is...

by glitt_

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