For an easier life Circulation: 111,439,808 Issue: 182 | 17th day of Running, Y7
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword animephreak15

Week - 166

The Faerie of Books and Such
by animephreak15
Description: You've all heard of Jhudora, Fyora, and Illusen, but have you ever wondered about the poor faerie who works at the bookshop?

Week - 182

Something Smells!?
by animephreak15
Description: Where is my can of Neocola?

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Illusen's Cake
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The DFM Pteri: Misunderstood or Malevolent?
Have you ever been judged by someone before they really got to know you? Try having that happen with a few million people.

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A Pirate's Guide to Dubloon Disaster
Yarr Matey. Do ya wanna be a pirate? If so, Dubloon Disaster is the game for you!

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Smatty And The Ice Caves
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The Joys of Being Neopian
My, what large eyes you have...

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