The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 93,823,843 Issue: 183 | 26th day of Running, Y7
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword shadowninjawarrior

Week - 179

Juicy, Sweet and...Yellow!
by shadowninjawarrior
Description: When you look at all the fruits around you, you’ll see that the most common and natural-looking color is none other than…yellow. A yellow fruit looks much more delicious then a red one even if the yellow one is made of dung!

Week - 183

Meuka - True Past Unveiled
by shadowninjawarrior
Description: "Wherever you are, I will find you, and help you," Miika said bravely though the bravery was not his own. It seemed miraculous that Miika was going to look for somebody when he had just heard such a terrible cry in the middle of a forest, late at night.

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"Thanks for taking us in," Maria said kindly, smiling at Sherry. "I know it was short notice. I wasn't expecting to get robbed."

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Pudding swung her blade at my chest in a horizontal arc. I jumped back and saw the orange form approaching...

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Jhudaberry Soup: Part Three
Merielfy knew she still wasn't safe, and that Jhudora would come looking for her soon. She accepted the fact that it was very likely the faerie would recognize her again....

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Needed Beginnings: Rorro and Toragi - Part Three
He turned back toward the Rainbow Pool and sat down on the bank, looking down at his reflection once again. It was so different than it had been only moments before, but somehow he felt so much the same.

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The Birthday Present That Changed My Life
"Well, I think you've known that I have been wanting a Faellie ever since I saw one in the Petpet Shop."

by puppers237

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