A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 94,333,932 Issue: 184 | 1st day of Eating, Y7
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We found the following 11 result(s) for the keyword cyborg8000

Week - 175

Explore -- Terror Mountain
by cyborg8000
Description: One of the best things about Terror Mountain is that it's like a three-for-one bargain deal. When you click on the link from the "explore" page, you not only get Terror Mountain, but you also get the Ice Caves and Happy Valley.

Week - 175

Snowglobe: Part One
by cyborg8000
Description: Ria sighed again and leaned against the wall. What could there be to do when it was snowing and there was nothing...nothing to do?

Week - 176

Snowglobe: Part Two
by cyborg8000
Description: "You're the one who donated all of those?" Ria nodded as if to say, of-course-I-did-who-else? Sun blinked before shaking her head. "I can't believe it...but I'm so proud of you Ria!"

Week - 177

Snowglobe: Part Three
by cyborg8000
Description: Ria leaped unto the boat and quickly paid the driver 1000 Neopoints, that should be enough. She sat down and leaned back. It was going to be a long ride...

Week - 178

Snowglobe: Part Three
by cyborg8000
Description: Ria didn't deserve the coupon, but maybe...did Hannah belong to her? Cy had given her the Neopoints, hadn't he? Yes, the doll belonged to her. Hannah was hers.

Week - 180

Escape from Kreludor: Part One
by cyborg8000
Description: "Sadie...I know how you feel. But this is my final chance to prove to myself that Sloth hasn't won yet. Please forgive me. I have to got, but send my regards to Jenny when you're on Recruiting Duty!"

Week - 181

Escape from Kreludor: Part Two
by cyborg8000
Description: The concert was absolute chaos. Neopets ran everywhere, some even hurried to the stage. The band, the special Twisted Roses, were missing! These was one of the best bands and they were gone.

Week - 182

Escape from Kreludor: Part Three
by cyborg8000
Description: What if they weren't good enough? What if they couldn't help? What if they just didn't want to? What if--

Week - 183

Escape from Kreludor: Part Four
by cyborg8000
Description: "Resistance? Resistance? We need your help! Dr. Sloth has got a new plan. He's got spies everywhere. He's going to - and then - he's got this gun - aiming - it at everyone..."

Week - 184

Escape from Kreludor: Part Five
by cyborg8000
Description: "This is a sight to see Gormos, please watch and observe."

Week - 184

Explore -- Tyrannia
by cyborg8000
Description: Tyrannia's not getting any colder! Get your seatbelts ready and hang on…we're going to Tyrannia!

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