Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 96,860,727 Issue: 187 | 22nd day of Eating, Y7
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We found the following 11 result(s) for the keyword jerk_head

Week - 159

My Boring Petpet
by jerk_head
Description: So boring...

Week - 160

by jerk_head
Description: "The New Toaster"

Week - 161

Rocko's Petpet Life
by jerk_head
Description: The most boring Petpet.

Week - 162

Lunaticity #2
by jerk_head
Description: Not to be taken literally...

Week - 167

Rational Lunacy: Bothering the Pant Devil
by tambourine_chimp

Week - 169

Afterschool Horrors - Part 7
by articuno_neo
Description: P-Pizza?

Week - 178

The Meaning of a Neopian Life
by jerk_head
Description: "Inflation"

Art by silverqueengalaxia

Week - 184

Truth in Games
by jerk_head
Description: Go get the peanut!

Art by lucheek

Week - 186

Lunaticity #3
by jerk_head
Description: How long does food last in Neopia?

Week - 186

The Misadventures of a Pink Lenny Blindfold Mowing
by immortalmina
Description: Sorry, didn't see you.

Drawn by jerk_head

Week - 187

Lunaticity #4
by jerk_head
Description: It's an earthquake!

Animated by cherv1

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