The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 96,860,727 Issue: 187 | 22nd day of Eating, Y7
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by szlord

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No Refunds
Quaz wants to be alone, but Yirl has some exciting news!

by starry_shine13


An Interview with Balthazar
Hey, Balthazar, did you know this is going to be in the Neopian Times. You're going to be a star!

Also by seduphe

by hottamale0774


Destination: Kreludor - Part Two
"Wow..." Rena trailed off as she touched the outer parts of the spaceship. She noticed that 'X2000' was written in slimy green letters just above her.

by shadowcristal


Zor: Kidnapping - Part One
Zor quickly stood up straight and reached into her coat pocket, pulling out a shiny badge. "Neopian Detective Agency. I'm investigating a recent kidnapping that took place in this house."

by sirussblack

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