Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 96,860,727 Issue: 187 | 22nd day of Eating, Y7
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Legends of Neopia

by iriswind

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Great stories!


The Uni and the Miamouse: Part Four
"Cuni, when you mentioned Shyle -- I kind of got a... an idea." Winny's eyes lit up. "Concentrate on Shyle. Think about her. Picture, um, a happy memory of the two of you! Do something, anything!"

by 3dcourtney12044


I wonder why she needs that?

by firestarrz


Cafeteria Blues
Penny could not believe it! She was the new class president for the year of 2005. All of her hard work for the past two months had really paid off.

by ilar210


Quest of Three: Part Two
Jeran had obtained leave of King Skarl to go questing; Darigan assumed that this had involved a reasonably full explanation, but was content not to inquire too closely...

Also by Dreagoddess

by schefflera

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