Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 95,556,587 Issue: 188 | 28th day of Eating, Y7
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Week - 188

The CheeseBox
by intwae
Description: Have you seen my Petpet?

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Quest of Three: Part Three
"When it's grown," Illusen said without taking her eyes from it, "we shall each take hold of a part. It will assist our departure and secure our route home."

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Rage Alone III: Ambitions - Part Five
"Well," the left Grundo answered, "his energy signature is growing, so I'm reading him all over the ship. There's no way I can find him."

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NeoStyle: Designing With Color
Now that you have selected materials for the walls of your NeoHome, it is time to select the other elements of the room. Basically, this comes down to choosing colors...

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Jhudora's Amulet
"I wouldn't touch it, I've read the whole Neopedia, and in all of it, nothing good comes from touching strange objects," I said confidently.

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Did Something Happen?
Don't you hate it when you miss a random event?

by goldchocobo21

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