Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 96,497,777 Issue: 189 | 6th day of Hunting, Y7
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword basketballnsoccer25

Week - 183

The Rise and Defeat: Ivy's Story - Part One
by basketballnsoccer25
Description: veryone says that King Coltzan III was a wondrous king, do they not? And it is surely a fact. But there was a time where the king knew nothing about leadership and the rights of his people...

Week - 184

The Rise and Defeat: Ivy's Story - Part Two
by basketballnsoccer25
Description: "I just want you to come back," I spoke. "I can't imagine a life without my best confidant."

Week - 188

A Sparkle That Shone in Her Eyes: Part One
by basketballnsoccer25
Description: "Why is she always walking up this street?" asked the young Kacheek, leaning in to catch every word. "She seems very lonely, but smiles all the time, like she knows about something very funny."

Week - 189

A Sparkle that Shone in Her Eyes: Part Two
by basketballnsoccer25
Description: "Grandmother, what happened to Nadia?" asked the blue Kacheek, now sitting on his grandmother's lap, hugging her tight around the waist. "And what about Frederick?"

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