There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 96,497,777 Issue: 189 | 6th day of Hunting, Y7
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword faeriegurl4lyfe

Week - 158

FACE OFF: Turmy vs. Wormy
by faeriegurl4lyfe
Description: Considering the Neopian Times was (and still is) filled with articles, comics, and short or long stories on the Snowager -- it seemed only fair to include maybe just a little bit of the Turmaculus, as well.

Week - 171

Fruity Famille
by faeriegurl4lyfe
Description: Just another day... *sigh*

Week - 178

Something Fishy (And it's not Maraqua!)
by faeriegurl4lyfe
Description: Has anyone else ever wondered why on earth the Negg Faerie needs a Fish Negg? It's not like there are a lot of fishing spots around Terror Mountain, what with the place being frozen all year long. *shifty eyes*

Week - 185

Randomness Avatarness
by faeriegurl4lyfe
Description: The first place you go when you go on Neopets to check up on new games, items, shopkeepers and several more new additions to the world of Neopia. And amongst all those 'several more' there are those sneaky secret avatars.

Week - 189

Beginners Guide to Hyperactive Myncis
by faeriegurl4lyfe
Description: It might not be as popular as games go, and maybe not all that fun if you're looking for some action – but the point is, it gives you an avatar. And that’s more than enough for us crazy avatar collectors to obsess over this game, yes? YES!

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The Power of Song
"I mean, I understand people talking and using their voices, but singing like that?" Kamira frowned. "Please... now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll take a little promenade to get that echo out of my ears."

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The Tooth Faerie's Magic
"And you're the only one who takes their lost teeth away," the Uni remarked, getting up and sniffing the rattling bag. "You could use an apprentice or something."

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A Bit On the Slorgie Side
You won!

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A Second Chance
What met my gaze was something that would change my life forever. Five or so Kougra cubs barely past birth lay there, mewing pitifully...

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XD - The Comic
Not a good idea...

Written by brettinterrupted

by happyneo_89

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