Zor: Kidnapping - Part Three by sirussblack
Chapter Three: The Story
"Sit down," the Wocky muttered.
Zor was taken aback. After just attempting to
attack her, Seremdra now asked her to sit down. "Why?" was what emitted from
her mouth. It wasn't exactly what she wanted to say, but it proved fruitful.
"Because I need to tell you the story," she said
and motioned toward a bench. "Sit."
The Faerie Zafara sat down cautiously and look
at Seremdra who had taken a seat next to her. "When they accused me of killing
Arkados, I was put in jail. And in there, I suffered for many months. Then came
word that I didn't do it. And I knew I didn't do it but they were too stupid
to see through that. So, I was let free and quickly changed myself into a different
pet. People had seen me all over the news. My scars, my bruises, everything.
So I couldn't stay the same. I got the potion quickly and took it. Then, I changed.
My scars disappeared and my bruises faded. I disguised my voice so no one would
recognize me. And I went on living, fear still lingering. I found an owner,
changed my name, and he took care of me for a few months. Then someone came
to the door. The had figured out who I was. They chased me through the house
and I wrote a message in the journal, hoping a good detective would find it.
Then I was taken away and put in a sack, exactly how I had said before. When
I woke up, I found myself in a small and cold room, filled with boxes and on
the wall were long wooden shelves with small items and toys piled on them. And
there was someone there. A Krawk. And this Krawk told me exactly what I am about
to tell you...
"He said to give this message to you. I'm not
exactly sure what it means but...hopefully it will tell you what Arkados did.
I know. And you should to. 'Arkados' secret is hidden in AB77-22M-SS6M. Locate
it and go to 772 Market Street. There, you will exchange the envelope for the
item you need.' I hope...you can make two ways about that. I know I can't."
Zor nodded and thought about the numbers. File
numbers, no doubt. But how would she get the file? She couldn't get it without
the proper clearance of Bipid and Bipid couldn't know about it. Zor knew him
well and knew that if presented with this information, would not allow the security
clearance. She'd have to sneak in. "Okay...I can...I think. But tell me something
first..." Zor sighed before asking the question. "What is your deal? How were
you involved in the case? Why was the Krawk looking for you?"
"That is because of what I did in the past. The
story I told Arkados a long time ago...I lied. I said I ran away. I didn't.
I wasn't scared. I faced the people in that alley. And I threatened them. And
they have wanted me ever since. And I thought...maybe, just maybe if I was in
jail they wouldn't be able to harm me. And I thought no one would be able to
find out that Dra-et was the killer. But...I guess I assumed wrong and doubted
the system. And they found me and...after this...they'll..." her words trailed
off and she looked up at the ceiling.
Zor knew exactly what she meant they'd do. And...she
felt sorry for Seremdra. "Do...do you want to go back to jail?"
Seremdra shook her head. "Not again...not again.
I hope they don't find me unless...I think they're watching me now."
Zor looked around, monitoring all sections of
the corridor. No one was in sight. "I hope you get away safely," Zor said as
she turned back to Seremdra.
"Go. Don't worry about me. I can fight by myself,"
Seremdra said and ran off into the hallway, where she fell down. Zor didn't
race over. She knew exactly what happened. They had gotten to her.
Zor hurried out of the hallway and hovered outside
the file room. She peered through the window. No one was there. That was lucky.
She opened the door silently and walked in. She stepped back into the hallway
when she saw the file manager on the floor. No...they did this. They want you
to get this file. Keep moving. She stepped over the body and into the room,
searching around for the row in which her file was contained. Once she found
it, she searched through the filing cabinets, glancing at the numbers as she
passed by. AB77-22M-SS3M. AB77-22M-SS4M. AB77-22M-SS5M. AB77-22M-SS6M. There
it was. She quickly pulled the file out and shoved it in her coat pocket. Now
what was the address...
Zor stopped in the middle of the aisle. What
was she doing? Following some strange tip from some unknown people? No. That
wasn't what she was supposed to be doing. She was supposed to be solving the
case. But...now, this was the case. This is where the case led to. But she was
doing something that was illegal. Should she continue doing it? What would happen
if she didn't? Zor pulled the manila file out of her pocket and quickly returned
it to the cabinet. No. There was no reason to do it. Maybe...maybe she should
tell Bipid. How would he react? Zor didn't know. Hopefully it would be well.
She hurried out of the room and into the hallway,
which she exited and was released into the main frame of the building. There,
she turned left and down another corridor, where two large doors were placed.
Bipids' office. Zor walked into the office and closed the door behind there
to see Bipid sitting at his desk, hovering over papers. "I need to talk to you,"
Zor said and took a seat in front of his desk. The words jerked Bipid from his
reading to look up at the Faerie Zafara.
"What is it?" Bipid asked, taking his glasses
off the brim of his nose and placing them on his desk.
Zor shuddered, thinking of the tale she'd have
to tell again. And she told him everything. She started at the beginning. Fred,
the kidnapping, the ransacked house. Then she told him about the Krawk and then
how the Wocky returned. She then told him about the interrogation room, Seremdra,
the story Seremdra told him, and what had happened to Seremdra. Then she told
him the most recent things. The filing room, the filing manager, and then she
told him of the conflict she had inside her. "...and then I came here to see
what you think I should do," she finished and stared at Bipid, who looked puzzled
yet understanding at the same time.
The commander tried to get a few words out but
was unable to. So he just sat there, staring at Zor. Then, he mustered up the
strength to say what was on his mind. "Stay here. You have no idea what could
happen in that place."
"I also have no idea what would happen if I don't
go to this place. Would they come after me... Will they...will...they kill me?"
Zor, for one of the first times in her life, felt frightened. The last time
she ever felt this way was when she was stranded on the mountain and then...after
that she had found Dra-et and then...and then Arkados died. Then she was frightened.
And now she was frightened.
Bipid sighed and looked at Zor with caring eyes.
"You know I care about you, Zor. I don't want anything to happen to you. This
is dangerous stuff we're talking about here. We don't know what these people
are capable of. And I don't want you to take that risk. I want you to go on
with your life. I want you continue being a detective. I'm going to assume they
have nothing on Arkados. Just a load of made up things. They just want to lure
you there and..." Bipids voice wandered off but Zor knew what he would say,
as she did when Seremdra said it.
Kill you. That's what he would have said. And
it was probably true. But what if they really had information on Arkados? What
if Arkados was evil? No...she shouldn't think about Arkados like that. He was
a good person. "I...I guess you're right, Bipid. I just...I don't know what
is going to happen."
"But I know you," Bipid said. "You'll be ready
for when it happens."
Zor looked up at him questioningly. "When what
"Whatever they plan to do to you," he said and
stood up from his desk and walked over to Zor, patting her on the back. "You
can't go there. I just...I don't want anything happening to you. Don't..."
Zor nodded. "I know...I shouldn't...but...what
if...what if..."
"Exactly. What if? Everything is a 'what if'
in life. Nothing can be definite. But...I don't want this thing to be a 'what
if'. I want you to be safe...and...and there will be no 'what if's..."
The End