Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 97,025,825 Issue: 191 | 21st day of Hunting, Y7
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword rabbitofkittyhawk

Week - 180

A Shadow in the Light: It has Begun - Part One
by rabbitofkittyhawk
Description: The figure waited patiently, its shadowed form low on the verdant grass atop a small hillcrest. Then, suddenly, a small crimson fire bloomed in the meadows below, and the figure stood and leaped toward the signal at a swift pace.

Week - 181

A Shadow in the Light: It has Begun - Part Two
by rabbitofkittyhawk
Description: You, the Saave, have been called here to meet our current prisoner, a peasant from the nearby village. I have also gathered you to tell you of good news...

Week - 182

A Shadow in the Light: It has Begun - Part Two
by rabbitofkittyhawk
Description: "Hurry up, Direwood is beyond Dire's Hill, and we want to find him before sun up don't we?"

Week - 183

A Shadow in the Light: It has Begun - Part Four
by rabbitofkittyhawk
Description: The cave in its roots was what intrigued him the most, triggering a longing. A longing to go and explore it...

Week - 191

A Shadow in the Light: Knowledge and Remembrance - Part One
by rabbitofkittyhawk
Description: He dared a glance up to see a monstrous Shadow Krawk, and, frightened, he stood and tore from the undergrowth, the words knitted into the Krawk's cloak searing in his mind. 'Daene Magus'.

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