Meow Circulation: 111,440,439 Issue: 192 | 26th day of Hunting, Y7
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Week - 192

by dj_amy
Description: Turmaculus has moved?

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Diah's Army: Amnesia?
What happens when you can't remember what you are doing?

by raven_kingdom2


Dr. Yotaria Strikes Again
"What... seems to be the problem?" the Kau said, trying not to stare.

by extreme_fj0rd


Green Flavoured Ink
I like a little catsup with my fries.

by lusethkinabaki


Snotty Humor
Getting snot all over you can't be that bad...

by destiny____


Crushing Those Boulders
Have you been constantly playing Destruct-O-Match II and can't get that secret avatar? Do you play all day and fall asleep and see boulders?

by oracle419

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