Neopia's Hole Truth by sato_master
ALL AROUND NEOPIA - Every day when I walk around the world of Neopia, something
seems to keep happening, but I can’t put my finger on it. I go to Meridell, and
OOPS! My petpet falls down a Symol hole. I fly into outer space, and decide go
to Virtupets Space Station for a bite to eat. While I begin to descend down to
Grundo’s Café to get a Juicy Spudnick (you know those triangle purple things with
orange curly hair), I inevitably trip over my big feet, tumbling down the staircase,
falling right into the Grundo Café’s large hole like structure. After a few bandages
and several orange juices, I leave the station for some enjoyable bouncing on
Neopia’s only moon, Kreludor (BOING!) As I enjoyably bounce along the rocky surface,
I soon find myself deep down in a large crater. It takes lots and lots of bouncing
to finally get enough height to bounce to the top and back out.
After many soaks in a medicinal mud bathe to soothe my sore muscles, I end
my day in Tyrannia. Having decided to play a few relaxing rounds of good old’
Kacheekers, I jumped across the gorge to get to the other side and tripped again
on a large Tonu egg, falling into yet another hole.
Either I’m really clumsy, or I see a pattern reoccurring. There are many more
holes in Neopia than I ever realized. The Wishing Well is what? A large stone
hole that people simply toss Neopoints into. Techo Mountain? Also a hole, just
filled with scorching hot magma. So I was beginning to think, maybe these holes
have a reason for being there, but certainly not all of them. Maybe some silly
Meercas are trying to prank me? After collecting the notes of my trip, I tried
to draw connections, and came up with these theories on why Neopia seems to
be so full of holes.
1) The Turmaculus Travels!
With so many big holes, I wondered what could possibly make them. Then this
big fellow came along as I was searching through Meridell. When he disappeared
for a bit to roll away from danger during the wars against Darigan, he seemed
to leave a large hole. Maybe the Turmaculus likes to travel? Though he is lazy,
that doesn’t always mean he is always asleep. Sometimes he eats, and he also
is a known sleep walker, or so Mrs. Turmaculus claims.
2) Sloth Weapon Testing
Sloth has always been known to cook up some dastardly weapons, such as his
infamous Bzzt Blaster. Unfortunately, not all weapons turn out to be a high
caliber weapon, and have the mere power of a Chia Squirt Gun. On those rare
occasions when he does create another weapon worth drooling over, it often results
in many a large gapping holes from his frequent and what appear to be rather
fun weapon tests.
3) Symols
Ah, the accursed Symols. Not only a garden pest which seem to eat all my asparagus
plantations, but they have a good knack of making holes. Most of the time these
holes are well hidden behind a bush or deep within what appears to be just another
hole, but in Meridell they have found a Symol hole large enough for petpets.
You may wonder why I ever go to the Symol hole? Well that’s easy, they hide
good stuff in their holes, and while I can’t get the items they stole from me,
perhaps I can get something they stole from someone else. (I’d return it to
them of course if their name is clearly indicated, along with their place of
residence.) My Drackonack loves diving down into the hole and sometimes forgets
why I send him down. I must admit Symols are also clever little petpets that
hide their goodies rather well. And so my petpet often returns empty handed,
but with a really big grin on his face.
4) Excessive Driving
There is only one Neopian rich enough to pay the taxes and therefore permitted
to drive around in Neopia, I’m not sure if you’ve seen him, but it’s a little
Chia with a very bad taste in hair styles. His name is Nigel, and his car is
a red convertible Lamborghini. Now the roads were built for Uni and buggies,
nothing automated. Which means, you guessed it, pot holes. It seems Nigel is
more of a menace to society than first imagined. I tried to question him one
day when I saw him at a stop in his street machine about my suspicions He seemed
helpful enough, right up until I started to question him and then suddenly he
was “unavailable for comment” and sped off down the road.
5) Lava and Other Natural Disasters
Neopia is full of disasters. Cities have sunk because of whirlpools, wars and
evil curses. Mystery Island alone has plenty of holes from volcanic eruptions.
When the volcano blew random boulders went flying up and crashing down. Smashing
huts and creating even more holes. The volcano its self is what else? Another
giant hole! Certainly, these freaky events have lead to many more holes.
6) Fyora Has a Bad Hair Day
Everyone (even the Queen of Neopia) have bad hair days. And when the Queen
has one, she can get a little irritable. Its difficult to say what is she does
on these days. Perhaps expend her wrath on Neopia by her not so perfect hair?
Luckily though, we have faeries of hygiene to stop that from happening. Just
make sure that the next time to you go to faerie world that you see lightning,
you teleport back down to Neopia or you may wake up hours later in a ditch.
7) Failed Treasure Burials
Pirates often think they have found the perfect place to hide their Jewels
and trinkets, only to later find a major flaw in the site. The treasure hole
might collapse, or the spot is too obvious and could easily be found even without
a map. Or perhaps the pirate wasn’t too bright and buries the treasure anyway
which is quickly stolen by thieves or explorers. How else do you think a deserted
city of Sahkmet could become rich and flourishing with so few assets? By digging
up pirates treasures!
Besides I’m told that Sahkmet was once covered by the oceans, meaning the maps
created by the pirates have become useless to them, its no wonder they are handing
out pieces now an then. They would be better off just digging randomly in the
desert, but then that would only create even more holes!
8) Grundos
You may seem confused how these little aliens could wreck any form of havoc
to create these dastardly holes that riddle Neopia. But the orange Grundos are
amazingly strong for their size, and often play Gormball with a large hulking
boulder. When they accidentally toss the rock out of the Kreludor atmosphere
voila, a crater is formed on the surface.
9) Evil citadel removal
Normally, evil citadels such as Darigan don’t come around too often. Take a
look at Darigan and its once evil citadel, ever wonder where that chunk of land
came from? As the great King Hagan said, “If you dig it, a hole will come.”
Well, maybe he didn’t say it EXACTLY, but when you basically take ground from
Neopia, a hole should form.
10) Big rocks in Tyrannia
In Tyrannia big rock houses are common and usually are made by some old large
rocks. But if these houses are to be made, someone has to move the materials.
By moving these heavy rocks around with the Ugh Guh Huh Inc. Moving Services
(UGH, for short) these houses can be made. Unfortunately, these guys are notorious
for doing jobs half way, dropping rocks, and making a big mess, meaning big
holes from all those dropped rocks, not to mention the holes left from excavating
the rocks in the first place!
11) Crazy Ancient Art People
Rather than simply using common building techniques and UGH for construction,
they decided to dig a large hole. Now that’s art dedication: to build an entire
tunnel just to show off art! Most likely, these ancient artists couldn’t decide
where to put their catacombs, and made plenty of holes. Records in Tyrannia
show ancient cave paintings depicting these buildings. Now of course Tyrannians
aren’t well known for their artistic talent, so I’m not quite sure if those
paintings are to show hole excavation, or a warning sign for a large, angry
evil monster. (Aah, run away!!!!)
12) Wild Uni Herds
With their hooves, a hole can easily be formed, especially where they walk
often. See the large canyon in Tyrannia? A Tyrannian Uni ancestral migration
Even with a good amount of free time and a good few cans of Neocola at hand,
it’s still hard to figure out how all these holes could just suddenly appear.
With Neopia being around for years, more are certainly to come, and maybe someday,
the truth of why Neopia is so full of holes, will finally be revealed.