Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 99,279,380 Issue: 195 | 17th day of Relaxing, Y7
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The Resistance

by melodiq

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Playing The Part: Part Four
"Sweet, do you mind moving that spotlight a little bit to the left?" asked Miss Ford. "Your sister needs a little lighting, as she is the center of attention."

by precious_katuch14


The Chronicles of Knight II: Rebuilding the Forsaken - Part Three
Those who knew him understood what that glimmer was: it was a mark placed on him when he had used severe and powerful magic to destroy the late king of the Citadel, Blake...

by fierwym


Get the doctor?

by vira8


Teaching Mr. Bristle: Part One
"Malara," the white Elephante's owner, Jared, called from downstairs. "Get up, you're going to be late for your first day of school!"

by springsteen0991

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