teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 99,279,380 Issue: 195 | 17th day of Relaxing, Y7
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Smelly Nelly

by i_hate_backstabbers

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An Issue of Sanity
This has to be the best thing that has ever happened! I've been commissioned to write a memoir of one of my favorite Neopets of all time! Why, for the life of me, I cannot remember the last time such an event of good fortune has come my way!

by undeadfortune


Rebel's Initiation: Part Two
"Hello Michy and Rebel," said Deadeye. "Protoges of the great Cap'n Threelegs I presume. A kind soul once he forgets he's a pirate." He ended with a smile.

by kublakhan27


Let Me Tell You a Story...
My favorite contest, without question, is the Storytelling Contest. Perhaps it’s because I enjoy writing. Maybe it’s because I like the 2000 neopoints and the rare item...

by nightcrawlers_secret


Top Secrets Revealed: Dr. Sloth's Answering Machine
A while ago, a great secret was revealed to the whole Neopia. Probably not a lot of Neopians noticed this, since they were busy trying out for the competition in which this secret was announced indirectly...

by shadowcristal

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