Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 99,279,380 Issue: 195 | 17th day of Relaxing, Y7
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Hungry, Hungry Nimmo

by chiafreako

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A Shadow in the Light: Knowledge and Remembrance - Part Five
"But why haven't we ever heard of this bunch of rubbish? How do we know this isn't all some sick joke planned by those two Kougras?"

by rabbitofkittyhawk


A Wizards Beginning: Part Seven
He saw a Minion run past them, the blaster steady in his hand. It seemed to pay no attention to the two as he darted past. "Chief!" it yelled to the other Minion who had followed the smashing of the glass.

by sirussblack


Cruor Stilla: Part Two
"You can play innocent all you want, but we both know you indirectly insulted me, and I have no problem telling the Royals a story that will convince them that you are out of line with their laws..."

by eikomei


Chia are for eating
How do they do it?

by demonic_pulse

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