Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 186,904,169 Issue: 196 | 24th day of Relaxing, Y7
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We found the following 43 result(s) for the keyword precious_katuch14

Week - 158

Gossip Time with King Hagan!
by blubblub317
Description: We’re so excited to have you all here because we’re one of the few who have actually gotten the chance to interview the newest king in Neopia, King Hagan the Fat!

Week - 159

Detective Grace and the Missing Bracelet
by precious_katuch14
Description: "Grace, come on," said Violet, tugging on my arm. "We have to find my bracelet! It means so much to me, and it's such a shame to lose such a wonderful thing!"

Week - 159

100 Crazy and Creative Uses for the Lab Ray
by precious_katuch14
Description: 94. Just make an interesting light show to impress your pals.

Week - 160

Behind the Doors of Another Class: Part One
by precious_katuch14
Description: "Yes, Fluffy, this really is incredible news!" said Miss Ford, a strawberry Poogle. "But unfortunately, we'll miss you. This'll be your last day with us.

Week - 161

Behind the Doors of Another Class: Part Two
by precious_katuch14
Description: "She's doomed, and she has no idea what she's doing," complained Glitter. "Smart siblings always fail on the subject of social life."

Week - 162

Behind the Doors of Another Class: Part Three
by precious_katuch14
Description: "You guys, please, please do a favor for me? I'm sorry for what I did during lunchtime, and I won't do it again if you let me go to their slumber party and tell Kat where I am. Please?"

Week - 160

Confessions of a Kacheek Battler
by precious_katuch14
Description: "I'm sorry, my dear," said the Chia Clown. "Here-have some drinks! You're thirsty, aren't you?"

Week - 162

Run Away to Knighthood: Part One
by precious_katuch14
Description: Nobody will play with me, no one appreciates me…why in Neopia did they adopt me in the first place anyway? Maybe because they just…just…"

Week - 163

Run Away to Knighthood: Part Two
by precious_katuch14
Description: "Why, look! A weary young traveler! We must take him to Skarl!" said Roland eagerly.

Week - 164

Run Away to Knighthood: Part Three
by precious_katuch14
Description: "Look!" shouted Fluffy. "Come on, that could be Angel, playing hide-and-seek again! Let's go!"

Week - 165

Run Away to Knighthood: Part Four
by precious_katuch14
Description: The Zafara didn't listen. He ducked to avoid the swinging blades and dived into a nearby bush. Angel waited until he heard the sound of the Skeith's sword fall to the ground, and then seized it.

Week - 166

Run Away to Knighthood: Part Five
by precious_katuch14
Description: "Good always wins over evil, Tiberius," said the Aisha defiantly. "We may be outnumbered, but what powers our weapons are truth, courage and justice, not evil, hatred or even selfishness."

Week - 167

Run Away to Knighthood: Part Six
by precious_katuch14
Description: No one could see the Lupe brush a tear away from his own eyes. Suddenly they all heard a scream.

Week - 164

The Bookstore Book Reviews... For the Third Time!
by precious_katuch14
Description: Krawk Pot Recipes - Making dishes with Krawk Pots, whatever those are...

Week - 164

Trophy Troubles Halloween Special
by precious_katuch14
Description: We could have made it scary, but children read this.

Also by cherv1

Week - 167

The Woes of an Avatar Pet: Part One
by precious_katuch14
Description: "But what is this place that she wants me to go to?" I asked Cassie shyly. "Why should I go?"

Week - 168

The Woes of an Avatar Pet: Part Two
by precious_katuch14
Description: My new sister shrugged and said, "I don't know, but if I were you, I'd rather think of what'll happen to you when she's done collecting avatars."

Week - 167

Fire and Water: A Rivalry Revisited
by precious_katuch14
Description: The water faerie gasped in outrage. "You're just jealous because you know I'm better than you at everything, even harnessing the magic bestowed upon us!"

Week - 169

Trophy Troubles
by precious_katuch14
Description: They're around here somewhere...

Also by cherv1

Week - 170

A Tale of Masila
by precious_katuch14
Description: "My name is Masila," said the villainous Acara. "And I think you're a beautiful, sweet Cybunny. Will you be my friend?" She stuck one green paw towards Delilah.

Week - 170

So You Want To Be A Thief: The Burden Begins
by precious_katuch14
Description: So you want to be a thief? You want to enter the Thieves’ Guild? You want to lead a life of crime, pillage villages, loot the elite and pick pockets?

Week - 170

Trophy Troubles: Christmas Special
by cherv1
Description: Don't try this at home; metal melts!

Also by precious_katuch14

Week - 173

Cake Catastrophe
by precious_katuch14
Description: "Can we just hide it now?" said Snip irritably. He snatched the detrimental boxed cake from his boss and tossed it into the open window of the Bakery.

Week - 173

Trophy Troubles
by precious_katuch14
Description: Who are you trying to fool?

Week - 175

Trophy Troubles
by precious_katuch14
Description: Monsters are attacking!

Week - 178

Horrors of the Bathroom
by precious_katuch14
Description: "Come on, guys," said Kat earnestly. "Now how bad can it be? It's not like it will drown, bite or smite us, right? It's just a toilet!"

Week - 176

Trophy Troubles
by precious_katuch14
Description: Remember to chew...

Art by mrs_fluff

Week - 178

The Basic Glossary of NeoQuest II Terms
by precious_katuch14
Description: Kat, your resident NQII addict and master-in-training is ready to give you the list of commonly, rarely, and not-all-the-time used terms, names and other quirks related to NQII...

Week - 182

by precious_katuch14
Description: "Little one, cry no more. Your obnoxious owner has been taken care of."

Week - 186

New Neopia, New Pets?
by tambourine_chimp
Description: With the quickly increasing rate of new Neopets species appearing, who knows what could be next? The next Neopet isn't too far away, that's for sure, but what will it be, what can we expect?

Also by precious_katuch14

Week - 185

Angel and Illusen
by precious_katuch14
Description: "I see no point in watching arrows fly and hit stuff for kicks," declared Angel, turning away from his sister. "We should've just gone to the farm."

Week - 186

The Ten Golden Rules of NeoQuest II
by precious_katuch14
Description: So, you dare to play NQII. You dare to go head-to-head with evil monsters, scary villains, and huge red Draiks wanting Faerieland domination, eh? Well, you came to the right game. But…

Week - 184

Fooling Fluffy
by precious_katuch14
Description: "'To: Fluffy. From: Sweet. This is a gift for you on this special day.' Huh? The first day of the Month of Eating isn't - AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!"

Week - 189

99 Ways To Tell If You Are Addicted To NeoQuest II
by precious_katuch14
Description: Do you skip every other game…most especially flash ones, in favor of a certain game that is divided into five acts, chock-full of monsters, heroes and heroines and extremely challenging to your mind and fingers?

Also by chia625_2001

Week - 192

Playing The Part: Part One
by precious_katuch14
Description: "Now everybody, in line with our lesson on Medieval History, we've decided to put up a nice play for all our owners and friends. All of you will be helping out, but only some will get to act..."

Week - 193

Playing The Part: Part Two
by precious_katuch14
Description: Fluffy shuddered at what happened to Glitter on the stage. The white Aisha wanted nothing but for the day to be over - or better yet, the play...

Week - 194

Playing The Part: Part Three
by precious_katuch14
Description: "Guess who's Queen Allison?" said Glitter, quivering with gladness. "GUESS?"

Week - 195

Playing The Part: Part Four
by precious_katuch14
Description: "Sweet, do you mind moving that spotlight a little bit to the left?" asked Miss Ford. "Your sister needs a little lighting, as she is the center of attention."

Week - 196

Playing The Part: Part Five
by precious_katuch14
Description: The girl gritted her teeth and tried to calm herself down before calming her own pets down. "Look, can we talk about this later?"

Week - 195

NeoQuest II Survival For Newbies
by precious_katuch14
Description: Yes, it was a good day to be an adventurer, and that 's just what I intended to do. But what happened, I hear you ask? Well, Kat - also known as precious_katuch14 - happened, as I shall show you...

Also by tambourine_chimp

Week - 190

A Surprising Surprise
by precious_katuch14
Description: "What, my birthday today?" Kat was saying. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go shopping!"

Week - 192

To Skateboard Or Not To Skateboard
by precious_katuch14
Description: "You're just jealous, because I really own you all in sports! And I bet I'll ace this one too!"

Week - 193

Fyora: In The Eyes Of Her Subjects
by shadowcristal
Description: We Neopians know quite a lot about Queen Fyora, or do we?

Also by precious_katuch14

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