Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 99,276,740 Issue: 197 | 1st day of Swimming, Y7
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Week - 197

by victoriavp
Description: Pickles do really weird things sometimes...

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Home < High Seas: Part Two
Thus she was in the perfect spot to listen when he began expounding tales of his bravery and past conquests. He rattled on and on, his subordinates doing their best not to look bored. But Desterenel...

by destervetha


When Two Clay Pets Fight

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Fastest runner...
Does anyone have a quarter?

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Meridellian Mayhem - Bullies
When bad Random Events turn good...

by ikkin_with_attitude


Go, Go, Go, but How Far???
I'm sure everyone knows about the game Go! Go! Go!, but how far can you really go in this game?

by deandco

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