A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 99,276,740 Issue: 197 | 1st day of Swimming, Y7
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The Intolerable Two

by _chazm_

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So that's what those events were for. :O

by _demon_master


A Shadow in the Light: Knowledge and Remembrance - Part Seven
"No, but we have to get to the Saave before those knights do. We have to get Manov," she answered.

by rabbitofkittyhawk


The Annual Neopian Villains Convention
Yes, this convention sure is going to be a big one, all right. I mean, they’re giving away free piles of sludge!

by skittleiciousgirl


Attack of the Revenge! ArRrRr!!
I see you be comin 'ere for some advice to keep them plundering pirates off your ship! Well, I can help ye out...

by dejiablos

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