Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 99,276,740 Issue: 197 | 1st day of Swimming, Y7
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by glowing_banana

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Chain of Pearls: Part One
If the Bruce had been the one to decide the coming of age, she would certainly not have allowed Trisha such freedom tomorrow...

by shadowcristal


Cruor Stilla: Part Four
He had been so into acting like a friend that he forgot that's all it was--acting. He noticed this suddenly when she suggested that it had been fun, and he tried to remind himself that he was mad at her...

by eikomei


The Curse of Maraqua: Memories - Part One

Carefully, he picked away the ferns with his claws. A baby Eyrie, much like himself, squabbled about in it, clicking his beak furiously...

by charlotte203368


The Annual Neopian Villains Convention
Yes, this convention sure is going to be a big one, all right. I mean, they’re giving away free piles of sludge!

by skittleiciousgirl

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